Upon signing up with ShivShakti Web, a detailed mail containing your Control Panel login details is sent to your email address (Username).

Login from the ShivShakti Web Website

  1. Visit http://new.shivshaktiweb.net.

  2. On the top-right of the page, click the Login link.

  3. Enter your Username i.e., your email address and Password.

  4. Click the Login button to continue. Through this interface you can buy new products and services from ShivShakti Web.

Login from the Control Panel Login Area

  1. Visit : http://manage.shivshaktiweb.net/customer

  2. Enter your Username i.e., your Email Address and Password and click the Login button.

Reset Account Password

In the event that you do not remember your current Password, you can have your Account Password reset.

  1. Click the Forgot Password link from the following URLhttp://manage.shivshaktiweb.net/customer

  2. Enter your Username i.e., your Email Address and click the Send Reset Instructions button.

  3. This would send an email to your email address, containing a link through which you can reset your Control Panel Password.